
 Dec 1, 2007vor 16 Jahren

Workshop MANUFUTURE 2007

This Monday, 3 December,Frezite Trofa, in partnership with the INESC, will hold a workshop within the framework of the program "MANUFUTURE 2007 Conference” - Building sustainability in a Competitive Europe, a set of workshops held in companies that bring together the leaders of the major industrial companies of Europe. One of the workshops will take place in Frezite Trofa, in a tent that will be placed within the largest parking area of our facilities, which is being coordinated by Mr. Frank Knecht (VDMA) and it is with great pleasure that we will have as speaker Mr. Luis Liz, our Financial Director.

 Oct 17, 2007vor 16 Jahren

Award for excellence and innovation

Frezite was distinguished with the award for excellence and innovation from the Ministry of Economy. The award was personally presented by the Minister of Economy, following a visit to the facilities of FREZITE in Trofa. The new facilities of the FMT - Frezite Metal Tooling - were inaugurated on the same occasion.